Structural sectional properties for a WT7X15 standard steel section
Description | Symbol | Value |
Shape Category / Designation | Type | WT |
Section Name | Name | WT7X15 |
Cross Sectional Area | A | 4.42 in2 |
Section Width | b | 6.73 in |
Section Depth | d | 6.92 in |
Flange thickness | tf | 0.385 in |
Web thickness | tw | 0.27 in |
Radius of Gyration about X-X | rx | 2.07 in |
Radius of Gyrations about Y-Y | ry | 1.49 in |
Moment of Inertia about X-X | Ix | 19 in4 |
Moment of Intertia about Y-Y | Iy | 9.79 in4 |
Elastic Section Modulus about X-X | Sx | 3.55 in3 |
Elastic Section Modulus about Y-Y | Sy | 2.91 in3 |
Plastic Section Modulus about X-X | Zx | 6.25 in3 |
Plastic Section Modulus about Y-Y | Zy | 4.49 in3 |
St. Venant Torsional Constant | J | 0.19 in4 |
Warping Torsion Constant | Cw | 0.287 in6 |
Self Weight of section | Weight | 15 lb/ft |
Description | Symbol | Value |
Shape Category / Designation | Type | WT |
Section Name | Name | WT7X15 |
Cross Sectional Area | A | 2852 mm2 |
Section Width | b | 171 mm |
Section Depth | d | 176 mm |
Flange thickness | tf | 9.8 mm |
Web thickness | tw | 6.9 mm |
Radius of Gyration about X-X | rx | 53 mm |
Radius of Gyrations about Y-Y | ry | 38 mm |
Moment of Inertia about X-X | Ix | 8000000 mm4 |
Moment of Intertia about Y-Y | Iy | 4000000 mm4 |
Elastic Section Modulus about X-X | Sx | 58000 mm3 |
Elastic Section Modulus about Y-Y | Sy | 48000 mm3 |
Plastic Section Modulus about X-X | Zx | 102000 mm3 |
Plastic Section Modulus about Y-Y | Zy | 74000 mm3 |
St. Venant Torsional Constant | J | 79000 mm4 |
Warping Torsion Constant | Cw | 0 mm6 |
Self Weight of section | Weight | 22 kg/m |
Note: Metric units have been converted from tabulated imperial values and rounded to a reasonable number of significant figures.
A WT7X15 steel section is a standard North American steel section in the WT - Tee Sections category. The height and width of the section are 6.92 in (176 mm) and 6.73 in (171 mm) respectively. It weighs 15 lb/ft (22 kg/m) and has a cross sectional area of 4.42 in2 (2852 mm2).
The section has a tensile yield capacity of:
The section has a flexural plastic moment capacity of:
The section has a flexural elastic moment capacity of: