Dimensions and section properties for WT6X53

Structural sectional properties for a WT6X53 standard steel section

steel section diagram

US Customary Units

Shape Category / DesignationTypeWT
Section NameNameWT6X53
Cross Sectional AreaA15.6 in2
Section Widthb12.2 in
Section Depthd6.45 in
Flange thicknesstf0.99 in
Web thicknesstw0.61 in
Radius of Gyration about X-Xrx1.53 in
Radius of Gyrations about Y-Yry3.11 in
Moment of Inertia about X-XIx36.3 in4
Moment of Intertia about Y-YIy151 in4
Elastic Section Modulus about X-XSx6.92 in3
Elastic Section Modulus about Y-YSy24.7 in3
Plastic Section Modulus about X-XZx13.6 in3
Plastic Section Modulus about Y-YZy37.5 in3
St. Venant Torsional ConstantJ4.55 in4
Warping Torsion ConstantCw13.6 in6
Self Weight of sectionWeight53 lb/ft

Metric Units

Shape Category / DesignationTypeWT
Section NameNameWT6X53
Cross Sectional AreaA10064 mm2
Section Widthb310 mm
Section Depthd164 mm
Flange thicknesstf25.1 mm
Web thicknesstw15.5 mm
Radius of Gyration about X-Xrx39 mm
Radius of Gyrations about Y-Yry79 mm
Moment of Inertia about X-XIx15000000 mm4
Moment of Intertia about Y-YIy63000000 mm4
Elastic Section Modulus about X-XSx113000 mm3
Elastic Section Modulus about Y-YSy405000 mm3
Plastic Section Modulus about X-XZx223000 mm3
Plastic Section Modulus about Y-YZy615000 mm3
St. Venant Torsional ConstantJ1894000 mm4
Warping Torsion ConstantCw4000000000 mm6
Self Weight of sectionWeight79 kg/m

Note: Metric units have been converted from tabulated imperial values and rounded to a reasonable number of significant figures.

A WT6X53 steel section is a standard North American steel section in the WT - Tee Sections category. The height and width of the section are 6.45 in (164 mm) and 12.2 in (310 mm) respectively. It weighs 53 lb/ft (79 kg/m) and has a cross sectional area of 15.6 in2 (10064 mm2).

The section has a tensile yield capacity of:


The section has a flexural plastic moment capacity of:


The section has a flexural elastic moment capacity of:
